Friday, 27 May 2011

Samsung Chromebook Série 5

Samsung Series 5: the first Chromebook is it too expensive? $ 399 or $ 449 depending on the version of the netbook price seems high when the interest of Google Chrome is not proven.

Samsung Chromebook Série 5

And four! After invading the Web, flooded the world of smartphones, and tablets, here is Google tumbles in notebook PCs, where Android has given way to Chrome OS, a lightweight operating system based on GNU / Linux and takes the form Enhanced Chrome browser, which serves as a common portal to the Net and applications. Among the first to shoot, Samsung. Its 5 Series is a 12 inch based on an Atom platform. The first commercial, but not precursor, the CR-48 was distributed to a thousand users during the pilot program, initiated in late 2010.

The promise of Chrome OS

Before talking about equipment, it should mention the operating system (OS) and its promises. Among them, starting the PC in 8 to 10 seconds to be quickly connected to the Net. Chrome OS is more fully turned to the Web, with a fine integration of Google services (Gmail, Calendar, Picasa, etc..) And others - music sites Pandora and Netflix videos available in the U.S., is expected see for Europe - with priority for storing data online (cloud).

Limitations, alleged and proven, the OS

Chrome OS is not compatible with Windows and Mac software. Everything here is "apps", applications for download through the browser. You can already try out the operating mode by connecting to the Web Store from the Chrome browser Chrome. Point of Photoshop, Lightroom, Winzip, Office software ... the park is under the control of the U.S. publisher. It can cool more than one.

Then, the interest of the machine may take a hit in areas not connected, and they are numerous. Manage offline will also a key element of success or failure of these Chromebook. Google says there have been working hard, including providing a file browser. We are waiting to see before judging.

A very basic technical

$ 399 wireless version and $ 449 model Wi-Fi/3G: in light of the fact sheet, classical, it is reasonable to wonder about the price: frame 12 inches (1280 x 800 dots ) of 1.3 kg with Atom processor and equipped with double heart (like most netbooks) a webcam, a microphone, a memory card reader, two USB ports, Wi-Fi, etc.). and a special keyboard Chrome. The hard drive is a 16 GB SSD, as saying that the external storage unit is almost mandatory.

A set that boasts the final 8 hours and 30 minutes remaining, we will not fail to be tested. But when we see that Acer's Aspire One offers 722 to 299 $, a 11.6-inch AMD Fusion (more powerful Intel Atom) running Windows, you wonder if the Samsung Chromebook is good business, the OS is supposed to be open source, what happened to the economy of a license for Windows 7?

Different distribution

Sold through normal channels in France, Amazon initially, the Samsung Series 5 has a partnership with SFR, which offers 1GB of 3G data for use within two months of purchase. Remains to be seen whether the operator will also distribute ... When the United States, the Chromebook is proposed to rent the machine, $ 28 per month, $ 20 / month for students. No information about a similar offer in France.

Available from June 15, the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook will face model from Acer, cheaper, lighter and well equipped. The battle will be fierce ...



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